Jayme Lozano
Texas has had trouble getting a state of 30 million residents online for years — even before the pandemic put a spotlight on poor broadband development.
Lubbock county has been under drought conditions for over a year, making some concerned about water conservation.
Election Day is Saturday, May 7, and four District 5 candidates in Lubbock are raising concerns over the Lubbock Professional Firefighters Association's campaign contributions to candidate Dr. Jennifer Wilson.
In 2020, Texas had an estimated 65,000 victims of child abuse, and the two cities with the highest rates in the state - Abilene and Lubbock - are in West Texas.
The South Plains is known for its bountiful crops, but growers have battled the elements for years - a problem gotten worse as natural resources, like water, dwindle. In response, some West Texas farmers are looking for an alternative.
As Texas continues to face a shortage of nurses from the COVID-19 pandemic, an NPR analysis shows new nurses have had to wait extended periods of times due to delays by the state Board of Nursing.
The results are in for Lubbock's primary elections and there were several close races on the ballot.
After an unseasonably warm December and faced with an ongoing drought, agricultural experts say planting times might need to change to balance unpredictable weather.
In many rural parts of the state, there are no hospitals, and few – if any – emergency medical services. Texas Tech Public Media spent the past year examining the problem, and some of the potential solutions to the state’s health care drought.