Global Weirding
Explore the arguments, science, religion, culture, and psychology at the intersection of politics and climate change.
*Originally recorded as a video series. To see more episodes visit globalweirdingseries.com.
Latest Episodes
A few degrees is no big deal. Outside temperature can go up or down by that much in a single hour, right? So why are scientists so worked up about such a little change? Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Climate change, that's one of those environmental issues. It's fine for people who eat granola for breakfast, but it's just not something that someone like me would care about, right? Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Canada's got more trees sucking up carbon than we have people producing it, so nothing we do will really make a difference to stop climate change, right? Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Climate change isn't just an issue for future generations anymore or for people or animals who live far away. It's already affecting us right here in the places where we live and the more climate changes, the bigger impacts we'll see. Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Climate change isn't just an issue for future generations anymore or for people or animals who live far away. It's already affecting us right here in the places where we live and the more climate changes, the bigger impacts we'll see. Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Climate change isn't just an issue for future generations anymore or for people or animals who live far away. It's already affecting us right here in the places where we live and the more climate changes, the bigger impacts we'll see. Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Climate change isn't just an issue for future generations anymore, or for people or animals who live far away. It's already affecting us right here in the places where we live. And the more climate changes, the bigger the impacts we'll see. Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
There's no way carbon dioxide is a pollutant! Every living thing needs carbon to grow, and heck! I'm breathing it out right now, right? Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
Fossil fuels are terrible. If I could get in a time machine and go back to the 1700s, I'd do everything I could to make sure the industrial revolution never happened, right? The answer may surprise you! Learn more about the ins and outs of climate change on this episode of Global Weirding!
You can't trust those climate models. They're already fixed to get the exact answer you're looking for. And even then they're always wrong, right? The short answer is no, the long answer is on this episode of Global Weirding!