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Donor FAQ

For questions not answered below, contact us at (806)742-2209.

Why should I become a member?
You have an opportunity to help sustain and directly support the best classical music, news and cultural programming heard on the South Plains. We’ll continue to do our part, if you continue to do yours. Your financial support is used to assist in acquiring programming, help with station upkeep, purchase programming equipment, assist in every day needs and much more. As a public radio station, we feel that it is important that you play a vital role in funding this station. And, the best way you can do that is by sending a contribution to support KTTZ-TV/FM. You’ll join thousands of others who support public broadcasting with their valuable membership dollars.

How can I become a member?
We have a few fundraisers throughout the year in which we invite you to join the station as a contributing member to help raise the necessary funds to run KTTZ-TV/FM. Additionally, you are welcome to renew your membership or join KTTZ-TV/FM anytime of the year by pledging online here!

Do I need to give fall and spring to maintain membership?
Membership with KTTZ-TV/FM is on an annual basis. If you gave during the spring fundraiser your membership will not expire until the following spring and vice versa with the fall. However, we have many generous contributors that give additional gifts to the station. For example, if a member’s renewal cycle is in the spring and they give during the fall fundraiser they will still be asked to renew their membership in the spring. The gift they gave in the fall is considered an additional gift to the station. “Add gifts” account for a significant portion of the KTTZ-TV/FM’s success and members are certainly not restricted to giving only during their member cycle.

When does my membership expire?
Please contact us at (806)742-2209 and we will take care of your request personally. Membership is usually based upon your first gift to KTTZ-TV/FM. If your first gift was during our spring fundraiser then your membership will be up for renewal each spring thereafter.

Is my gift to KTTZ-TV/FM tax deductible?
Yes, your gift to KTTZ-TV/FM is fully tax-deductible, minus the fair market value of any Thank-You Gifts requested. We will send you a receipt for your contribution that can be saved for tax purposes.

Will my gift to KTTZ-TV/FM be matched?
If you call or e-pledge during an on-air matching gift period, your contribution will automatically be matched, because each electronic and phone contribution to KTTZ-TV/FM is time-coded and later reconciled with matching gift hours.

Will KTTZ-TV/FM sell my name and address?
NO! At KTTZ-TV/FM, we take your personal privacy very seriously. We DO NOT exchange mailing lists with selected non-profits and other companies. However, KTTZ-TV/FM is a department of Texas Tech University and although all your contributions directly benefit KTTZ-TV/FM we are required to give your name and addresses to Texas Tech University. If you would like to be removed from KTTZ-TV/FM’s mailing list please contact our office at or (806) 742-2209. If you would like to be removed from the TTU mailing list please call the TTU Development Department at (806) 742-1780.

My employer matches gifts. What should I do?
You may be able to double your donation to KTTZ-TV/FM. As a registered non-profit organization, KTTZ-TV/FM Radio is eligible for many employers’ Corporate Matching Gifts programs. A matching employer donation is an easy way to double or even triple your gift! Simply obtain a matching gift form from your Human Resources Department and return it to KTTZ-TV/FM, along with your membership contribution.

Thank you for your interest in donating to KTTZ, Texas Tech Public Media.