Just an hour outside of Dallas, Eden Green Technology is one of the companies that has navigated the challenges of indoor farming.
“If that’s a stump, it’s the weirdest stump I’ve ever seen.”
The report found that 16 universities qualify as Tier 1 institutions, compared to 14 in California and 11 in New York.
After several years of near-inactivity, the Invertebrate Zoology Collection at the Museum of Texas Tech University is back to providing resources to entomologists everywhere. In the spirit of the season, we visited the facility and heard from the collection’s curator who says bugs like these deserve more attention.
An animal rights advocacy group has raised concerns after a court-ordered release of public records revealed controversial details about an experiment at Angelo State University.
Listen in as Tom McGovern visits with longtime friend, author and professor, Richard Bateman.Bateman has been an instructor in well log interpretation and…
Human life spans have been increasing for decades thanks to advances in treating and preventing diseases and improved social conditions.In fact, longevity…
Wednesday night KTTZ-TV Channel 5 is your destination for exploration with Nature and Nova. http://video.pbs.org/video/2193790353 7PM Nature“The…