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24 Frames: Oscar Special

Academy Awards

The Oscars were able to surprise even me. As a life long watcher of all things Academy Awards I expected "Lincoln" to basically make a clean sweep. It did win the Oscar it deserved which was for Daniel Day-Lewis' amazing performance as Abraham Lincoln. Ang Lee won best Director over Mr. Spielberg, a surprise. "Argo" took the top award, another surprise, and Ben Affleck gave an amazingly heartfelt speech.

Seth MacFarlane did not meet expectations but also wasn't terrible and there were some really funny moments. Nervous, is how I would describe his entire performance.

Finally there was some controversy with this year's awards as Rythm and Hues won for their VFX on "Life of Pi" while at the same time filling for bankruptcy and laying off 250 employees. Hollywood, like other major American industries, has been using impossibly cheap labor from China and bidding those wages against the VFX houses here in America. I won't comment on how I feel but just let you know what is going on.  You can read more about it here:

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