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Listen In, Lubbock: Lacking Broadband Internet Across Texas

Broadband internet access isn't just a rural Texas issue, a statewide issue.
Photo by Amanda Mills, USCDCP on Pixnio
Broadband internet access isn't just a rural Texas issue, a statewide issue.

It's estimated that nine million Texans don't have access to adequate internet, and it's not just a rural Texas problem. On this episode of Listen in, Lubbock, Texas Tribune reporter, Juan Pablo Garnham and Alex Driggers from the Floyd County Record, talk about what this looks like on the ground throughout the state and discuss what state leaders are doing to address the issue this legislative session.


Juan Pablo Garnham, Urban Affairs Reporter, Texas Tribune

Alex Driggers, Floyd County Record

Important Links: 

Millions of Texans still don't have broadband internet access. Some lawmakers are trying to change that. From Juan Pablo Garnham.

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