Nancy Shute
Feeling grumpy and antisocial because you've got a cold? That's not just a random side effect. It's your body saying, "Hey, slow down and rest so you can get better."
The bill would make big changes to the nation's health care system by rolling back key requirements of Obamacare, including that insurers not charge more to people with pre-existing conditions.
The bills under consideration in Congress would make big changes in health care coverage and costs for millions of people. Our searchable FAQ provides answers to key questions on where, how and why.
More than half of Americans suffer lower back pain each year, the latest NPR/Truven Health Analytics survey finds. And they're often not going for treatments recommended as safest and most effective.
The number of people being diagnosed with diabetes has been on the decline since 2009, after soaring for decades. Doctors say people may be changing their eating and exercise habits for the better.
Genetic differences explain more of the wide variation in drinking habits among people with low incomes, while higher-income people tended to drink alike.
People with a hereditary form of very high cholesterol are much less likely to get diabetes, a study finds. And that offers clues as to why cholesterol-lowering drugs sometimes raise diabetes risk.
More than 32,000 people die each year in the United States in gun-related suicides, violence and accidents. The physicians seek universal background checks and other measures to reduce the toll.
When children think they're being slighted, it can lead to risky behavior as teenagers, a study finds. Having warm, respectful relationships helps counteract the claim, "You always liked her best!"
Just half of parents say schools should start later so teenagers can get more sleep, a survey found. But most of the parents also weren't aware that pediatricians have called for a start of 8:30 a.m.