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Canary Room, 'Christine'

This #NowPlaying discovery comes to us from today's episode of the All Songs Considered podcast, which highlights the best music of July.

There's a lot of noise in my life: a toddler, an endless inbox, a constant barrage of punk and metal blasting from my office speakers. It takes a lot for a singer-songwriter with only an acoustic guitar to break through. Then I heard the song "Christine" by Canary Room. It's from a short, five-song EP recorded outdoors on a four-track; listen closely and your can hear birds chirp and leaves rustled by the wind. But mostly you just hear Maddy Heide's voice up close, as if she's sitting right next to you, thinking out loud about the way seasons change in a person, and how you love them anyway. The melody ascends and descends like rolling foothills — gently, but not without a heart pumping blood.

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