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How Weather Works Interview with Dr. Brian Ancell

Do you ever wonder where weather comes from? All weather, including tornadoes, blizzards, and hurricanes, can be traced back to two things: the Sun and Earth's spin. As the Sun heats a spinning Earth, the winds begin to blow, leading to all weather as we know it!

Can things like irrigation and wind farms actually influence the weather? A research team led by  Dr. Brian Ancell from the Atmospheric Sciences Group at Texas Tech helps to answer this question and explain our place in the weather. Click the link and listen as Dr. Ancell discusses.... plus who is the real windy city Lubbock or Chicago?

Listen to this interview and then head over to the Museum at Texas Tech to see the exciting interactive exhibit! 

You will journey through the phenomena creating weather. The journey starts with the Sun and ends with things we can see and feel like wind, clouds, and rain.

This exhibition is funded by the National Science Foundation.