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New Website: Change

"Change in all things is sweet." -Aristotle

Change is never complete, and change never ceases." -C.S. Lewis

"All great change in America begins at the dinner table." - Ronald Reagan

“Music really can change your mood. It makes you feel good. It’s one of the universal things that people love to share. You don’t have to speak the same language to understand the song. Everybody knows what Bootylicious is. And you’re looking at it." -Ellen DeGeneres

Okay. Those last two are a bit off message. But they're still about change and that's what we've done to our website!  Speaking of music and change, She & Him (Zooey Deschanel & M. Ward) have a song all about change and how it can sometimes be difficult:

But this change won't be hard for you at all! You just have to keep visiting We've already taken care of all the changes!

So, here are some of the things that have either changed or are new:


You can stream 89.1 FM right on your computer here.We even have a second HD station you can also stream online here (stream 89.1FM on iTunes here and 89.1FM-2 here). You can see what's playing right now on our homepage just to the right of our rotating program block. Check out the header and footer of the new website to find streaming links as well.


You can see the schedule for 89.1FM, 89.1FM-2, Channel 5 and CREATE on our schedules page. There's a dropdown where you can select your preferred media station.


Our new website has all the latest NPR headlines. So when you want to know what's going on not only in and around Lubbock, but throughout the world, visit to find out!


All the Team 5 & 89.1FM blogs will now be on our website. Check them out here.


You can learn more about all the programs we offer you on 89.1FM and Channel 5 right here. We'll be posting all our local shows on their program page. So if you miss a show when it airs, be sure to check out our website to stream it online!


Since we're posting our stories online, we want to hear your thoughts! At the bottom of every post you'll find a comment section. Comment away!

Events Calendar

We've changed our Events Calendar as well. In the footer of the website, you'll find upcoming events and on the actual Events Calendar, you can submit your very own event!

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." -The King, Alice in Wonderland

That is a very good quote that you can apply while tackling just about anything in life. It's also something you can apply while exploring our new website. Except change "beginning" to "top". And we don't want you to stop exploring because we'll be updating it frequently. So scroll over all the menu items at the top and tour our new website. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to give me a shout. Email me or give me a call 806.742.2209.

Yes, this new website will take some getting used to. But give it some time, and I'm positive you're going to love it!