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Vikram Baliga

The Plant Prof, himself. Vikram is a professor who oversees the Texas Tech Horticultural Labs and Gardens. He also hosts In the Grow with Rachel Boyd, as well as his own podcast, Planthropology.

  • Hello Plant People, do you find yourself thinking the grass is greener on the other side? Well, it doesn't have to be! This week on In the Grow we're covering lawn care. Not your bag? Not to worry, we're also covering lawn alternatives. Join me, Rachel Boyd, and plant expert Vikram Baliga to get in the grow.
  • Hello Plant People! It’s dark... it’s mysterious... it’s nutrient rich!... it’s delicious? This week on In the Grow, it’s all about compost! Puttin the hay back in the decay. Join Vikram and me as we turn it all over.
  • Hello Plant People, this week on In the Grow, it’s Tree Talk! Vikram and I cover pruning, deep-root injectors, disease indicators, and more! We’ll try not to leaf anything out. ;)
  • Hello Plant People, this week on In the Grow, we talk fall planting prep: starting seeds, fertilizing your soil, selecting the right plants, and more! Join Vikram and me as we get in the grow. :)
  • Hello Plant People, Growers, and listeners of all kinds! We're back, and this week on In the Grow, we talk about drought-tolerant plants and what exactly qualifies a plant as drought-tolerant. I promise it’s more than cacti!
  • Hello Plant People, in this episode of In the Grow, Vikram and I discuss annoying weeds and how to combat them. We complain about the heat. We also remind you how to water your trees and why it’s important. This is our last episode before we take a short summer break, but we’ll be back with more in late August or early September. Stay tuned for our plans for an October seed swap event and more! Happy growing season to all.
  • Greetings Plant People! In this episode, Vikram and I answer a listener’s question and talk about the current state of our gardens and what else we’re planning to grow. It’s randomness and there’s talk of soggy squirrels, catalytic converters, and Top Gun. We still have some kernels of gardening wisdom in there, so don’t worry. Next time, we’ll be back with more to help you get in the grow! Join us for randomness and squirrels. :)
  • Hello dear listeners, in this episode of In the Grow, we’re talking about okra! It’s an excitingly hearty plant that I hope you enjoy learning about as much as I did. We discuss spacing, watering, and more for growing okra. We encourage you to plant some this year, as it is a hot, very dry season and okra can surely handle it. Take that, tomatoes! Just kidding. As always, happy planting. :)
  • Hello Plant People! We’re bringing you a little mini-episode in which Vikram and I answer two listener questions. Enjoy and feel free to send us any questions or comments to :)
  • Hello Plant People! This week Vikram and I have a longer episode for you, in which we focus on how to grow solanaceous crops. That means we're talking about the nightshade family: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, & peppers. It's a long one, but a fun one, so stick with us through the end when Vikram finds out how very mad sweet pickles make me. Random? Yes, but if you want to hear more of our shenanigans, listen in!