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South Plains Food Bank

Monday evening the Channel 5 team was at the South Plains Food Bank on East 50th Street to help sort food received during their Summer of Sharing celebration. PlainsCapital Bank grilled hot dogs for the volunteers and members of the LDS Church were there with SPFB totes full of food donations.

It was really great to see members of the Lubbock community come together to help their neighbors in need. The SPFB serves 18,000 people each WEEK, all with food that has been donated by individuals, groups or companies from right here on the South Plains.

If you would like a tote to fill with food for the South Plains Food Bank, visit your local PlainsCapitol Bank, where you can also drop off your donations and filled bags.

It wouldn’t be a Channel 5 visit without a few video cameras; here’s Senior Documentary Producer, Paul Hunton, shooting some video of the volunteers. This will be part of a documentary project KTXT is working on with several other Texas Public Broadcasting Stations. Also, look for it to be featured on a future episode of KEEPING IT LOCAL!

I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!